Recycling Week was established in 2003 by the UK charity WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme). The primary goal of this initiative is to raise awareness about recycling's importance and to encourage individuals and communities to engage in sustainable practices. Over the years, it has evolved into the largest recycling behaviour change campaign, involving various stakeholders, including retailers, brands, waste management companies, and local authorities.
Notable Milestones
2003: Establishment of Recycling Week by WRAP.
2023: The 20th anniversary of Recycling Week was marked by the first-ever Recycling Summit, emphasising the ongoing need for collective action towards sustainability
2024: This year, the theme is "Rescue Me," which aims to encourage people to rescue recyclable items from general waste
2024 Recycle Week theme "Rescue Me"
Key Aspects of GO Charity's Recycling Efforts
Upcycled Furniture: GO transforms donated furniture into stylish, upcycled pieces. This process not only reduces waste but also promotes sustainable living by giving new life to items that might otherwise be discarded.
Bike Training Zone: GO is dedicated to breathing new life into bicycles that need maintenance through our comprehensive 31-point inspection process, a collaborative effort with the renowned expert Ian Brown. Bike training is also an important area for us to provide training for those in need.
Financial Sustainability: By generating revenue through the sale of upcycled items, GO aims to create a self-sustaining model that supports its charitable activities while promoting environmental responsibility.

Overall, GO Re-use Recycle integrates recycling into its core mission as a tool for social change while fostering a culture of sustainability in the island community.